Sandeep Nahar Suicide Case Update : A Case registered against Wife and Mother-in-law. Actor Sandeep Nahar hanged himself at his own house at Mumbai, according to Mumbai Police. Image Source: Google Images Actor Sandeep Nahar, who had blamed his wife in a video and also mentioned “politics” he faced in Bollywood in a “suicide note” posted on Facebook, killed himself by hanging in the bedroom of his flat in suburban Goregaon here, as per preliminary probe by police, an official said on Tuesday. Nahar, who was in his 30s and featured in films like Akshay Kumar’s “Kesari” and Sushant Singh Rajput-starrer “MS Dhoni”, was found unconscious at his flat on Monday evening by his wife Kanchan and friends who took him to SVR Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival, police had said. Join Flipkart Shopping Sale Amazon Marketplace one stop shop for your all needs: Hours before hi...
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