WhatsApp will stop working on many iOS and Android devices starting January 1, 2021. There are many Android and iOS devices that may not be able to run the app as the company will withdraw support for older versions of OS from next year. As per the WhatsApp updates, Application will support the following devices on iOS and Android Platform:- Android - 4.0.3 OS or above iOS - iOS 9 or above Below are the listed devices which stops supporting WhatsApp application:- HTC Sensation Google Nexus S Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc LG Optimus 2X Samsung Galaxy S I9000 HTC Desire Motorola Droid Razr Samsung Galaxy S2 Which Operating System your Phone is find out from Settings. iPhone Users go to settings - General - Information contains the operating system OS on your iPhone is running, on the other end Android users can go to Settings - About Phone to get the information.
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